Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Legoland. As I might have mentioned we went to Legoland while we were in Carlsbad for spring break with the Pezzelle's. Did you know that? Legoland. Just wanted to type it one more time in case you missed it the first sixteen.
So, we went to Legoland with the Pezzelle's. We had a great time as always. Megan's kids had not been there in years. Actually since the first or second year it opened. So they were excited to see everything. Lego's are a big deal you know. Max signed up to take a robot building class. He got to see all the major cities miniature sized out of Lego's and he even ran into one of his hero's. See Alfred up there! Law and Billy also got to pose with a... thing of some sort. A Bionicle, I think. We aren't quite there yet. Billy is still a Duplo kinda kid.

However, the really big news from this trip has more to do with Squish than anything else. She has officially graduated to the 36" mark! This is big news in the theme park world. It opens up a whole new level of ride to her. No more kiddie land for this girl! She got to ride her very first roller coaster without ANY hesitation at all. This girl worries me... If you think back to older posts, perhaps the "An Artist" one where she inked herself, or what about the "High School Football Phenom" one when she danced for the news camera? I can recall too many to list. She's fearless. It's concerning as a parent. Just look at her face...

Gearing up....

Getting pretty excited...

Holy! What is this crazy thing!! You can tell she is kind of lost between sheer excitement and fear. Remember that feeling?

Well it turned itself over into complete exhilaration. She had so much fun on that first roller coaster ride that when she got off she came running over to tell me about it and lost all 7 of her words and just decided, spur of the moment, to lift her shirt over her head and show everyone around why we call her Squish as she squealed with excitement. L.O.V.E. her.
Later that day (and still) whenever you ask her about it she says, "I go up. I go down. I say WHEEEeeee!"

Not to be out done, her Daddy-O put on quite a show for everyone as well. Here he is with Law and Billy. See the kid on the right? He thought it was funny. Here are some more pictures of fun. Notice poor Billy is not in them? He, unfortunately, has not moved out of the 36" bracket and still can't ride the big kid rides. It's sad really, but if he would eat something beside snacks maybe I would be writing about celebrating his graduation to the 40" mark. There's always next time, poor kid.


Erin said...

SO CUTE! You should get a video of squish demonstrating "I go up! I go down!" complete with arm movements and some pony jumps. I can't wait until we can all go again, just so I can watch her in action.

Katy said...

Looks like a blast..Love Squish's face on that ride..you summed it up right.