Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Easter Chicks

So we decided to raise our own backyard flock of chickens. A potentially bold move, but one that is certainly becoming more commonplace in this new era of uncertainty and low enviromental impact. I however, not even being a person who eats eggs, wanted them soley for their ability to eat bugs. I hear they're pretty good at catching scorpions, we'll see. The kids and I went to a nearby feed store and picked them out the Friday before Easter. Each one of the kids got to pick a chick and away we went with our new babies. We brought them home, made them a safe place in the laundry room to live and then decided that we better go get a couple more, just incase. Back-up birds if you will. This is a picture of the babies on Easter Sunday. Abigail named Awesome (pronounced; A-Sum) and Lellow-Chic-E. Emily named Do-Si-Do (aka Dodo Bird) and Pretty Princess Penelope (aka Penny). Billy named his chick Kevin. They are pretty cute when they are all fuzzy tiny little orbs with feet.

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