Wednesday, September 2, 2009

PVD ~ Pleasant Valley Days ~ 2009

It was another Pleasant Valley Sunday....

In all seriousness, it really was. The kids and I had about 18 hours at home between "Baconfield" and the Ranch, but it was just enough time for us to throw together some clean clothes and jump in the Dingo for was to become her last and final family trip....sigh. Poor old car just can't keep up with us anymore. I think I sent it into early retirement with all the miles I put on her this summer!

Meanwhile, back at the Ranch....(HA). I might have come off as aloof this summer, but I have since come to the realization that it was exhaustion masking itself as (what's a nicer word for the not nice word I am thinking of??) However, knowing this now still doesn't fall into the "older and wiser" category because I fully intend to repeat. Hopefully I will have learned a little something though. It's making memories for the kids....I hope.

A nice trot with D.P. (Mr. Sweeny's super nice horse).

Emily - Cowgirl in Training.

Chloe - more like a damsel (but not in distress) with her long locks.

Billy - A jockey?

Cherry Creek
The Birthday Girl.

Squishy and her Uncle AC. She adores him.

Hayden, operating some big machinery. This abandoned tractor is one of my favorite things up there. It is always good for some easy childhood entertainment, it has saved us with it's toolbox and I love the pictures it makes.

Haigler Creek

Haigler is also a great place to have those childhood adventures, but not so great for pictures because of all the trees and sun and shade and well, let's be lack of skill, really.

Billy and Hayden were playing "King of the Mountain." The girls had the rather messy, not to mention difficult, job of delivering small boulders through the water and up the rocky creek bed to the boys up in the castle. They promptly tossed the boulders from the castle walls into the moat below with great cheer. Thankfully no one got hurt!

Pleasant Valley Days Parade!
Mr. Augustine was courteous enough to let us ride in his wagon for the parade again this year. We went down to his cattle ranch to watch him bridle (is that the right word?) up his beautiful black horse team in their "Sunday Clothes". As always it was another chance for some great photos. The barn in the background there is not only gorgeous, but historical too. It is on the original Graham Ranch. The ranch that, depending on your side of the story, started the Pleasant Valley War in 1882. His property there is absolutely amazing. It is in all honesty one of my favorite places in Arizona. It is just gorgeous and it has a fascinating history. Beautiful, just like those kids!

The ladies looking fab!

See you at next year's parade!

1 comment:

Erin said...

How do you get so many pictures on your blog??? I can only get 4, maybe 5 before it won't let me add more. Do you shrink yours first?
Great pictures, even in haigler. And I'm already excited for next year!