Thursday, September 3, 2009


Abigail (Abi, Abi-girl, Squish, Squishy) Browning Deatsch
Abigail: Hebrew - a father's joy

1 year old

2 Years Old
  • You still suck your thumb (it's wrong I'm sure, but just love it).

  • You still have that baby belly with a baby belly button.

  • You are still an excellent sleeper. You nap for a couple hours everyday still and sleep from 7pm to at least 7am. You NEVER fuss about going to bed. I love that too!
  • You still love your lovies and sleep with them every night. They are like the great equalizer. Grab lovey, insert thumb, sleep. It's a terrific routine.

  • You love to eat.

  • You're still in diapers (sz 5), but you are requesting to sit on the potty. Fingers-crossed!

  • You have very few words, but manage to get your point across in no uncertain terms.

  • Words: Mommy, Daddy, Mimi (Emi) me, mine, no, poo (for poo & pool), go, nigh-nigh (night-night), blananna (banana)

  • You love to dance and swim and sing.

You're growing up way too fast....

"Little girls are precious gifts like birds and brooks and streams...their hair tied up with ribbons and bows...their hearts are tied up with dreams." -Alan Beck

1 comment:

Erin said...

And you are the cutest thing ever, and you love to boss your bigger cousins around (and they do what you tell them) and you love Uncle A.C. :)Oh, and you take very good care of your babies. Any babies. Anywhere.