Monday, May 2, 2011

HDLL Opening Day & Parade!

Welcome to Opening Day!!

Can't you just feel the excitement? We were so excited! Opening Day had finally arrived and Billy got to wear his uniform for the first time. I have to say, he is the cutest kid ever. Ever. It was windy (which seems to be the descriptive word for the entire spring of 2011) and cold at 7:30 in the morning, but it was not going to rain on anyone's parade. Literally. It was a beautiful blue sky and as soon as things got under way the wind subsided too. There are 100 pictures here, but I could not pick and choose. So you'll have to look at them all, sorry.

Grandma Trisha had some shirts printed up for all Billy's groupies. Aren't they cute!

The parade. Can't you just hear the camera frantically clicking away? It's hard to tell so let me help, Billy is the incredibly cute little guy in the center of the group and Coach Travis is on the far left. Did I forget to mention that Trav is coaching Billy's first team? I know, it just keeps getting cuter, doesn't it!

The singing of the national anthem. "Oh say can you see..." Look how sweet all the boys are with their hats covering their hearts.

Team photo shoot.

The girls had blue and purple Gatorade's to keep them occupied while the team pictures were under way. It sorta turned their mouths blue and purple so that explains the strange tint in all the pictures from here on out, but aren't they cute in their matching Bees shirts?

After a long day of family fun, icy treats and the all-American pastime everyone is pretty beat up, but they did take the time to watch the Boulder Creek Varsity baseball team play Saguaro HS. Pretty cool to see the big guys play after watching the little ones all day. I wonder if Billy will play ball for BC one day, hmm... I'll have to keep this picture handy just in case! At the parade after the league introduced all the teams they had the Boulder Creek players that played for HDLL stand up. There were quite a it's a possibility I suppose!


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