Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Daisy Day at Camp Marapai

Daisy Day at Camp Marapai in Prescott!

Emi's Daisy Troop went to Daisy Day at Camp this year. It is more or less a trial run for the little girls before they are eligible foe overnight camp as Brownies. The girls had a blast! I think most of them will do just fine next year. They sang hilarious Girl Scout songs at check-in that will forever be etched in my memory, like "you can't ride in my little red wagon" and "Baby Shark, do-do, do-do-to-do." Then they rotated all day through different areas of interest. There were some activities on the field like the parachute and relay races with a sleeping bag. A couple different crafting stations, a nature station, lunch and campfire songs.

The girls from Emi's troop that made it to camp marching off through the woods, to grandmothers house....

That's Emi there in the clearing. You can tell because Grandma Trisha beautifully french braided her hair for me before we left.

Miss Emily looking all proud of herself after trekking through the forest and down to the creek...

...and then this happens! Poor thing, but she was very big and didn't let it phase her a bit. Now who's proud of whom I ask?

Last but not least, a station devoted to learning about the forest around them and look, even after a long day in the sun she still has the whereabouts to raise her hand, participate and give the correct answer. In case anyone is still wondering....I am the proud one.


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