Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Billy "Boy Genius" Deatsch Turns 3!

I can hardly believe it, but Billy D. is offically 3! It kinda feels like he's been 3 for something like ever now, but he is actually only 3 now. I guess because Squish came along and stole all his baby thunder or maybe because he is so completely one hundred percent immersed in his own world one hundred percent of the time that it feels that way....a long time comin'. So I hope that doesn't mean he'll grow-up too fast. I absolutely LOVE his little world. I wish I could see it from his level, he just has fun almost all the time. You can see it in his big blue eyes, mischief brewing. I think 3 is the age he was meant to be. You know how some people just never progress beyond a certain time in their lives? I think Billy is going to be eternally 3 years old. Hey, is could very well be eternally the size of a three year old too! Birthday wishes.....taller, taller, taller...

Well here are some long overdue photos of the big event. He had a Buzz & Woody Birthday with a Monsters, Inc. cake. His two favorite movies at the time. I sorta flaked on the Monsters, Inc. cake though...It was actually a CARS cupcake cake because despite my half-hearted efforts to find a place that would make me a Monsters, Inc. cake there were none to be found. A real mom would have whipped out the Betty Crocker and got to work, but not me! CARS it was and he was just as happy. It did however, take him about an hour in the store looking at all the pages in the cake book 3 times to pick something. All in all he had a great Birthday party at home with his Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. Just the fam makes quite a party!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Happy Birthday, Billy boy. We love you- and you ARE the happiest 3 year old ever.