Friday, December 12, 2008

Cold & Wet

The Friday after Thanksgiving, while the rest of the world was getting up at 4am to go shopping we were loading the kids in the car for a family bonding roadtrip. Bagels and coffee at 5:30, the sun at 6:30, gas at 7:30, one last stop for lunch around 10 and we're there! Carlsbad. Ahh the beach.

We had a great weekend, legoland, visiting with the neighbors, the beach. Good friends, good times! The place looks nearly unrecognizable since the transformation Bill & Bette have put it through. Looks fab, I must say! The kids crack me up, it was cold and overcast and who would want to get wet in those conditions? So, genious that I am...not a towel or change of clothes or anything redeeming at all. I never thought they would want to get wet. I thought we would walk on the beach while it was quiet and how quaint would that have been. Then I was rudely awakened from my idyillic family dream only to realize they are all now soaking wet and poeple are wondering what kind of incompetent mother I must be. No worries, there's towels and blankets in the car, hmm what's that you say? Oh, that's right....NO there isn't! Pleasant ride back to the house for those salty babes. Fortunately it's just around the bend....


Michelle said...

You need to be a writer!

Erin said...

There is something about Abi's "Little Miss Sunshine" shirt that just calls her to the water . . . :)
Love the pic of Billy prancing towards the waves.