Monday, July 26, 2010


While we were at the beach for summer vacation most of North Phoenix was also there too. Last year we met up with Rob and Tammy and the girls for a Padres game that was so much fun. The Crafts went along too and the kids had hot dogs and sodas, it was very 4th of July. I suppose it helped that they were all in coordinating Gymboree red, white and blue outfits for photo opts, but really, who is paying attention! This year Rob and Tammy stayed at the Hyatt Mission Beach because of the pools. So we loaded up the kiddos and swimsuits and went to play in a pool on the beach. There was a perfect kid-sized waterslide. It was the first time any of our kids had been on one. Billy loved it with a capital L, Emi did too although for some reason I have no pictures of her and Abi was a little skeptical. She first climbed the steps and was all ready until she sat down and freaked out. She ended up climbing back down the stairs and, I am pretty sure, swearing she was having nothing to do with that crazy slide again. It was garbled Abi speak, it really could have been anything, but that's what I think she meant. That is until Daddy stepped in. He is truly a hero because as you can see from the rest of the pictures it was freezing!

She loved it!

Tammy and Baby Lauren bundled up. I told you it was cold!

Squishy drinking hot chocolate, it was cold. Brrr...

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