Monday, July 26, 2010

Point Loma, Cabrillo National Monument

In my last and final post from our fantastic two-week long Carlsbad summer vacation...
Point Loma, Cabrillo National Monument.
We went for a drive to see the tide pools, the lighthouse and what Travis calls the greatest college baseball field ever. For all of those who might not be educated on college baseball fields... The field at Point Loma, Nazarene comes to what we Phoenicians would call a negative edge over the ocean. It is pretty cool. Cool enough to make me prematurely choose my children's college, seriously.
At Cabrillo Emily was able to complete the Junior Parks Ranger program and get a badge for her Daisy vest. Very exciting! Down at the tide pools the kids were able to play with some sea anemone, crabs and lobster carcasses. Hmm, where to go from here? ... Abi does not like purple crabs, good to know. The lobster thing I can't figure out either. I thought lobsters were a deep water crustacean. Why then would there be so many washed up on shore? Creepy looking things, eww.

On another interesting side note after talking to my Grandma Mary I discovered that we have family buried at Rosecrans National Cemetery. Two of her brothers and her adoptive father. I had no idea. It is a beautiful place...

Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery

An Official Junior Ranger.

The Lighthouse at Point Loma.

For the record...Travis is an AMAZING father. That being said, he is not a gifted photographer like his sister. This is why there are no pictures of me. When he succeeds from prying the camera out of my grasp he takes pictures of me. An issue for another day, although I will say it ALWAYS ends with him making a face and saying "one more." Can you see my issue? He also has this problem...Who is that sweet little girl with the bottom half of her face cut-off?

Why, it's Emily! I gotta give him props for trying! Now we will return to our regularly scheduled programming of photographing sweet, chubby baby faces and pre-teen drama queens.

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