Monday, February 1, 2010

A Christmas Picture by Emily James...

Emi drew this picture and it made me laugh out loud (lol - for you technologically advanced). It, in case you couldn't tell, is a picture of Emily and I in a snow globe. We had just come home from a trip to Prescott to play in the snow and I guess it was still weighing on her mind. You'll notice not everything made it into the snow globe, but my absolute FAVORITE part is the peace sign. Pay close attention to her spelling...She is very gifted and did not ask for any help with this. It cracks me up and I hope I never forget these silly things.
"Mare Chrismis. Pees and Love," Emily.
I love her! LMAO.


Erin said...

I love a girl who wants whirled peas. :) Very cute, and she is way advanced.

Marcella said...

I love it!!