Monday, July 27, 2009

What a Hoot!

Emi, Billy and Abi - June 2009
We went up to the Ranch recently. Travis had some "home improvements" to make and the kids and I tagged along of course! The improvements went great and so did our weekend.

Russell Maynard 7 years old

Helping Dad "do work".

Emily James 5 years and counting.

After the "work" was done there was of course time for lounging, a trip to Cherry Creek to cool off and playing with the horses...

And lest we forget the greatest part of the weekend.... Riding HOOT! Emi was ready to go. You didn't need to ask her twice! So she mounted up and off she went. A natural, I say. However, Billy who was not quite as excited as Emi seemed to be pretty comfy up there....We might just get a baseball playin', mule riding cowboy out of this boy yet!

Hoot is such a good animal. He lets the kids climb up there and bounce around all the while Russell (if you notice) is literally underneath his feet and Squish is screaming her encouragement to Emi and Billy every time they ride past and he never once gets grumpy. Good thing mules are so sure footed!

The Ranch - Young, AZ


Erin said...

So glad to see you back to blogging. I'm glad Travis married you and all, but I was getting really sick of the "7th anniversary" blog. :)

russellmaynard said...

I know HA! Glad I am back too. It feels good to be crossing things off my list! I feel my old calmer self returning : )

Michelle said...

I am right there with Erin. I was having to rely on her in order to see your kiddos smiling faces. Miss you Natalie. I think I have seen you once this entire summer. Great pics, glad you guys had a fun time at the ranch.

Marcella said...

Great pictures!!! I love that one of Russell...really cool shot.