Monday, September 15, 2008

New Camera!

Hip Hip Hooray! I finally have a new camera and it was worth every non-exisitant penny we spent on it. Not to mention the years of debate over whether or not it was worth the expense. It totally is, by the way! So, bring on the pictures right? Well, it seems, even a fabulous camera does not make one a better photographer. Much to my dismay I might add. However, it is a work in progress and it has pushed me to actually have a camera nearby when photo worthy events come to pass. Like some of these:

Abi - Completely unappreciative of the new camera.

Billy - Completely unappriciative of the new camera. Are you detecting a theme yet??

Emily - Not quite completely unappreciative.....

And that would be the new camera in a nutshell. Hopefully my skills and my subjects improve in the weeks to come!

1 comment:

Tara said...

I am laughing... love that Emily is the only one posing. :)