Thursday, July 28, 2011

Daisy Horse Training Program!

Emily's Daisy troop participated in the Horse Training program that Camp Marapai offers this spring. The girls had a blast. I mean a Blast and we were lucky enough to extend the day into a weekend getaway with some friends at the Prescott house. The newly re-done Prescott house. After a pipe burst in the ceiling back in.. mmm, February? Nearly everything had to be gutted and replaced. The finished product is amazing. You would almost never know what happened, but I digress.
Horses, Emily absolutely loves them. She was so excited to go to this. I am surprised that more of the troop didn't come. Maybe only 6 of 13 girls made it. I think more than half of them already have horses of their own too. Once we arrived the girls got to pick out a pair of very worn cowboy boots and a helmet and they were off!

Look at the boots! Hilarious isn't it? I think a pair of her own cowboy boots might be a necessity here soon.

Emily and Lonestar, her horse for the day.

I think she looks like such a natural! It's funny because if you pay attention you'll notice that her left hand never leaves the back of the saddle. It's as if she poses the whole time.

The girls learned how to mount (and dismount), walk and trot (no galloping allowed) and Emi's most favorite part figure eight through the cones. I know it was to teach them the proper way to hold the reins and turn, but Emi thought she was learning to barrel race. Why she would know anything about barrel racing is beyond me... She loves it though. Oh, and the most important thing, they learned how to stop the horse. A couple girls also learned how to hold on while your horse has a domestic abuse battle with a sibling. They got sent to opposite ends of the arena. Horse time out, funny! Fortunately the two girls caught up in the fray were already experienced riders and handled it perfectly. Whew!

So stinkin' cute!

Emily's horse trainer's name was Miss Kitty, seriously. No kidding.

Look at what a natural she is!

The left hand...

Good ole' Lonestar smiling for the camera.

Horses can be such hams.

Just like at home they also learned that they have to clean up their mess. They unsaddled and brushed the horses down before letting all but the two trouble makers go out for a graze. Good times! It really was. Emily and I don't get much one on one time anymore. She has such a busy social life. I'm not sure who enjoyed the day more, me or her.

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