Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Beachy Fall

For Fall Break Megan and the kids and I decided rather last minute to go to the beach. Why not, right? It's kinda becoming our "thing". The only time we see each other, to be honest! It is a fabulous place though and we just absolutely LOVE it. We were only there for a few days so we said no to any organized activity and just decided to let the kids call the shots. It was actually a great idea. As it turns are WAY easier to get along with when you let them have a say. Who knew!

The tide this time was peaking right at noon so we had to adjust our normal beach schedule. Instead of all day, we went in the mornings to look for shells and in the evenings to play. Perfect. It also gave us some time to relax in the afternoon and go to the Farmer's Market. We even had a cloudy, cold day that gave us a chance to do some exploring and we found the coolest pumpkin patch ever. So cool, in fact, that it needs it whole entire own post.

Dolphins!! Another bonus to going in the evening I suppose.... We saw a pod of dolphins slowing swimming up the coastline. Pretty neat-o with the sun reflecting in their spray. It was one of those ah-ha moments. You know the ones when things are just all around good....I need more of those moments in my world (or to at least take the time to notice them when they come along), but I'll certainly take the ones I have.

Abi's sandy toes!

Chalk another one up the "worst mom in the world" category. Poor Squish is clearly upset over something and the urge to photograph the poor-pitiful me moment completely beat out the motherly instinct to run to her aid. The pictures are totally worth it though, aren't they! Those chubby little hands.... I think she was working it anyway!

All my sweet little shell collectors! They cleaned up too. Literally, they cleaned up. Pretty sure every last teeny-weenie particle of a shell made it home with us and has since been scattered all over the floor more times than I care to pick-up.

Squish, looking like a beast (and strangely like a bucket carrying broom from Fantasia) and Billy looking the dainty small boy. I sincerely hope they both grow out of this stage!

Don't you just want to pinch her!!


An Edgar Allan Poe story or perhaps a scene from Alfred Hitchcock....

Food on the beach had never been a problem before....
I suppose these seagulls were starrrrving (as Billy would say). Megan pointed out an interesting thing here too...why are they seagulls pigeon brown? Could it be? A crazy cross between pigeon and seagull? There were pigeons on the beach. I've never seen that before.

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