Monday, January 4, 2010

My 32nd Gingerbread Birthday

This year's gingerbread house constructing was pretty entertaining. The kids are all old enough to get it now and they only consume about half of the decorations instead of all of them. Billy and Emi did an excellent job. Squishy did too, but mostly she decorated a gingerbread man, liked off all her handy work and repeated. This went on until poor Mr. Gingerbread was so soggy he lost an arm and she lost interest...

Travis fashioned a tree of giant gumdrops and notice the pretzel chimney? It was a party favor Auntie E made for Tami's baby shower. Worked like a charm, if you ask me!

The gingerbread house construction just happened to coincide with my 32nd birthday....sigh. These were my demands:
1. real Chinese food (no Panda Bear's)
2. to make a gingerbread house with my darling offspring
3. Baskin-Robbins mint chocolate chip ice cream cake
Travis (amazing husband) worked way to hard to make all that actually happen for me and I appreciate that more than the cake even. Surprisingly, it's hard to get that cake at 5pm the night of without a reservation. He loves me : )

It's hard to believe anyone would be interested in cake after the gingerbread house, but (it's so hard to not make reference to a certain Ms. McGee from the movie Anchorman) Abi up there can't wait. Poor girl, she just can't help but be...Squishy.

The finished project. Beautiful!


Katy said...

Happy 32nd!! Looks like you had a fun day!

Michelle said...

What a fun birthday! Those a great birthday demands that everyone would love. You are a girl after my own heart. My favorite ice cake in the world, mmmmm. Your gingerbread house turned out so cute. Where did you get your Chinese food from?

russellmaynard said...

ShangHi in's okay, but not great. I wanted pork fried rice, your fav! So excited for the new spot to open by the gym...Chinese and Dairy Queen!!! YUM.

Erin said...

Wait- you are getting Chinese food AND Dairy Queen??? Lucky ducks. And why did I think you were only turning 31? It must be your youthful good looks. And I feel honored that my humble pretzel made it into the masterpiece. :)