Wednesday, January 13, 2010

* Christmas Eve 2009 *

Merry Christmas Eve! As is tradition we spent Christmas Eve at Bill and Bette's with the extended family. We had Italian, the always exciting gift exchange and hardly any pictures this year, sorry.

The important thing to remember here is that it is not the quality of the photo (or the skill of the photographer) that will matter when I am old and wrinkly and looking back at precious memories. Plus, Squishy is still to little to realize what a bad picture that is!

The kids opening their gifts from Aunt Pam and Uncle John.... (Emi was first and got Barbies).

The rest of the clan waiting, sort of patiently.

Billy beginning to think his sweet face got forgotten. He wanted to panic because there was an "incident," but he held it together and I am proud of him for it. I guess all the presents had been passed out and he didn't get of life's many little disappointments to get used to I say, but wait! After some confusion and a bit of detective work the missing packages were discovered in the car. As it turns out they just got overlooked in the unloading and for his patience he was rewarded with not one, but TWO presents. He had a birthday just recently as we all know and Aunt Pam is so thoughtful to get the kids gifts for their birthdays. So....

Worries be GONE!!! It was a very merry night.

Time to go home and wait for the big man!


Erin said...

He was sooo patient and calm, sweet boy. Love the last one on the ottoman. And what's with us and our lack of pictures? When did we become such slackers??

Katy said...

Thank goodness they found it..I mean how sad for him if he didn't get one. Looks like a fun Christmas Eve!