Thursday, July 28, 2011

A B&W Dinner Party

Oh my goodness don't you just want to eat those babies up!

So it's possible I have mentioned our little bus stop crew turned neighborhood gang before... Bikes & Wine? We got started on a rotating dinner party schedule somehow and these are the pictures to prove that we are NOT more mature than the little people we so dearly love. As you can see things start out all grown up and responsible enough

...and things slowly start going very awry. It may or may not have something to do with the fact that dinner did take about 4 and a half hours to prepare. We were adequately warned though and happy hour was just that, happy. Right before dinner is about ready, it's time to get the kiddos settled, changed into some jammies and set up with a movie so us "grown-ups" can have an elegant dinner in the dining room.

All of a sudden we are in a heated dance off. The tide is changing. The kids are laughing at what idiots the adults are. Notice Gavin in the background?

Back to the elegance in the dining room. There might not be any food on the table, but there certainly is wine!

We had an amazing meal of soup, salad, crab, rice and perhaps other things. I can't remember. We tried to gather our composure and clear the table for dessert, tried.

These boys seem sober, right? Composure sorta contained and then...

...then starts the surprise men's fashion show! Composure completely out the window! Apparently Jared liberated this Polo jacket from his father's closet and felt compelled to show it off. Looking good. Not to much harm done.

Yeah right! There is NO way Travis was gonna let this little gem slip past him. After I'm sure a couple colorful comments on said jacket he was up from the table and off for a brief second only to return wearing the jacket and aviators. I chose the most decent of pictures to post.

Then my hilarious friend Kelly thought, "well if they can, so can I." A few more twirls down the runway from each of them and we are all rolling on the floor!

I wear my sunglasses at night, I wear my sunglasses at night...

Oh, it's going somewhere in a hand basket quick suddenly! Not to be left out of the fashion show Meridith (the newly appointed Prime Minister of Education) comes out of the kitchen juggling fruit. What? Seriously what happened to the elegant composed adults?

Now of course everyone has to show off their talents...

Emi came to see what all the commotion was about. She quickly realized her parental units are actually grown-up sized kids.

Ah, all is well that ends well! See you when the hangover wears off!

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