Thursday, September 16, 2010

Part 3 ~ The Official 7th Birthday Extravaganza Finale

In Part 3 ~ The Finale we are featuring Emily's little birthday celebration at home. Emi has a small group of close friends in a sea of many. It just so happens that of that small group of 5, three have birthdays within hours of hers. Sometimes it makes planning friend parties difficult, there is a lot of scheduling going on. Last year Emi got the big birthday party. This year I think it's only fair Billy get to have it. He is after all turning 5...It's a milestone in my book. That being said, Emily had a small party at home on Friday after school for her little group of friends (Brooklynn, Kassidy, Gracie, Kate and Nicole). The plan was to make homemade pizzas (Emi's request), swim, eat, play whatever. I think the girls had a blast. I was a little worried with a group that small the girls might not all mesh, but they did great! What was supposed to be just a quick little celebration turned into a full-blown party that lasted well into the evening. Funny how that has a way of happening around here, huh?
The unexplained bursts of spontaneous dancing my be easily attributed to the loads of candy decorating the table.... maybe, it's just a theory.

Happy Birthday Emily James. 7 years....... ...sniff, sniff.

Even though I promised Emi I would keep Billy and Abi out of her moment. I kept catching them sneaking candy from the table and joining in on the freak dance moments. Then Emily had a spectacular idea....Billy as DJ - BG (boy genius). He looks the part doesn't he!

1 comment:

Erin said...

I can't believe she is seven. I.Can't.Believe.It. Sniff sniff, indeed. I'm so glad she had such a fun birthday week!!!