Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Remember these beauties?
It was just time to do something with them...They lasted through Halloween, Thanksgiving and even Christmas. It's New Year's Eve and now even though my precious Big Max had a small puncture wound that I was able to repair thanks to some quick thinking, Megan and New-Skin liquid band-aid I must do something with them. So, we live in the desert surrounded by wildlife and I am all about recycling when I can...

I tossed them out front for the javalina. They love pumpkin maybe as much as me! This was the sight we awoke to New Years Day. They came back a few nights in a row to "finish-up." They actually ate all of them with the exception of the green one. Maybe it was bitter or just plain hard, who knows! A fitting fate though. I thought it was funny!

1 comment:

Marcella said...

I was wondering what happened with those pumpkins! Wow! You should have set up a video camera.