Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Our Mom's Club had an event at California Pizza Kitchen the other day... How exciting is this! We were able to go in before the restaurant opened up for the day and the kids all got to make their own pizza and a tour of the kitchen. This (in my opinion) was the totally exciting part...The walk in fridge filled with giant bags of fresh Gorgonzola, Parmesan and produce. Heaven! But Wait...It gets better, oh yes it does! The dry pantry!! Oh my heart be still. Boxes and boxes and neatly organized pasta and grains. I equate my love of a well functioning pantry to that of a seventeen year old girls closet. It's my sanctuary. However, this event was for the kids and not me, although I am 100% sure I enjoyed it more. Billy's favorite part was the big "cold" room where they keep the ice cream. Go figure. Abi's favorite part was the eating. Again, I say, go figure. Poor Emi was at school and missed the whole thing.

The kids getting the low-down from our fearless CPK leader

Abi, enjoying the pizza prior to cooking it.

Abi, so relieved they brought her back more food after they took the cheese she contaminated away.

Billy Deatsch being goofy.

After the festivities at the restaurant the kids got to go run around outside for a bit. The weather was unusually nice for a late September day.

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